Times Table learning Cube

I am a Primary Stars Advisor (one of my many roles) and when Polly of the Family Directory, asked if I would donate 5 times table learning cubes as prizes to be reviewed, I was more than happy to donate them.

Times table learning cubes and all the other learning cubes are such a fun way to learn.

If you would like more information about the cubes or the the other educational products I promote, then please sign up to my newsletter – 

You can also view the products on the Primary stars website. 


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About Lyn

I'm a fun-loving granny, mother of 3 and granny of 5. I have a teaching background of 30 years and having nurtured little ones, I love to nurture bigger people - helping them to grow in confidence and grow their businesses. I help raise their visibility and brand awareness with social media and out of the box thinking. I am known as the #Golivegranny as I have been live streaming on a regular basis since August 2016 when - I live-streamed the Ryde Carnival on a completely blank page on facebook. My son, Tristan taught me how and helped me to get in front of 1000 viewers on that first broadcast. I now Livestream as many Isle of Wight events as I can on https://facebook.com/isleofwight.live and I have a regularly broadcast at 10 pm on https://facebook.com/golivegranny and the audiences both are growing on an almost daily basis. The #golivegranny community has become an amazing group of people - a friendly and supportive group. I will add to the blog about what happens and what is achieved through this group. You will learn about some amazing things achieved.