A Picture of a Poem – a Poetry and Photography exhibition with a difference.

Last night, I was delighted to be invited to attend The Picture of a Poem, an exhibition out on at Dimbola lodge, which is part of my Wightbuzz network. What a treat we had in store. We met two very talented young men who presented their poetry and photography.

I would like to introduce you to Sam Scadgell & Harrison Wavell


It was an absolute delight to be part of this preview evening.

How healthy is your environment.

How Healthy Is Your Indoor Environment?


Did you know that indoor air quality can be up to 100 times worse for you than

the air we breathe outside?

Indoor pollutants such as mould, pet dander and pollen combine with

chemicals in everyday products, making our homes a pretty toxic place to be.

As we spend at least 50% of our time indoors (more in winter), we are actually

at risk of developing allergies, asthma and worse.


Indoor air pollution is easy to manage once you understand where it comes

from. In many cases, pollutants and toxic chemicals such as polyurethane and

formaldehyde are in the items you bring into your home, such as furnishings,

paints and wall coverings. Curtains, carpets, mattresses and other absorbent

fabrics can trap airborne chemical “nasties”, as well as being a breeding

ground for dust mites and other harmful allergens.


Indoor pollutants known as Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s) are all

around us. They’re not listed as ingredients, but they’re in most household

products, such as cleaning agents, solvents, plastic, even cosmetics. When

they vaporise, they combine with other compounds to form ozone, which

really is not good stuff to breathe.


Remember; if there are chemicals and VOC’s in a product, they can escape

and they won’t be good for you if they do.

The simplest way to keep indoor air healthy is through good ventilation. By

regularly opening your windows (even in the winter), you’ll replace polluted air

with cleaner outdoor air. This also minimises the mould and stops harmful

allergenic spores being released into the air or recycled via air conditioning



Water-based glues, adhesives and finishes will contain lower VOC levels,

while “green” cleaning products help reduce toxins, as citrus and pine-based

solvents react with ozone to create formaldehyde. Alternatively, vinegar or

baking soda mixed with warm water makes an excellent all purpose cleaner.

Keep pesticides out of your garden, as they’re easy to walk in on your shoes

and clothing and always keep filters and vents clean, as pollutants can cycle

through air ducts, central heating and cooling mechanisms.


Some Interesting Facts


5,100: the number of petrochemicals available for home use which have

never been tested for exposure to human health and the environment.

63: the number of synthetic chemical products found in the average home,

translating to roughly 45 litres of harmful chemicals per household.

100: the number of times higher that indoor air pollution levels can be above

outdoor air pollution levels.

10 million: the number of dust mites that may inhabit a standard size double


1000: the number of dust particles which settle on a square centimetre each


2.3 billion: the weight in kilos of chemicals that the cleaning industry uses

each day.




Take a look through the cleaning products in the Wikaniko shop to find out


you can make your home a healthier place to be!

How to stand out in your business

Are you ready to stand out in your business this year? Want the strategies to do so? Check
out this new book by Karen Williams from Self Discovery Coaching which launches on Amazon
today. Order the book on Amazon before midnight tonight, and get 4 great bonuses. http://howtostandout.co.uk/amazon-offer


I bought this book at Karen’s Star Biz conference in November. I met Karen in 2011 at the launch of her first book and have been very impressed. She has had a great influence on me and I am certainly going to stand out in my business this year. I am starting my own book on Saturday (on what would have been my Dad’s 91st birthday – and the book will be dedicated to him) and I am just planning a conference in the Autumn. Life has been a very difficult journey but with people like Karen influencing me, I have arrived at an awesome time in my life and now is my time to shine and to help many others shine with me.

How do you plan to stand out in your business?

One of my recommended reads.

I was recently given an Amazon voucher and decided to get a couple of books to help my business. After much deliberation, I chose The Go-Giver and the Go Giver Sells More by Bob Burg and John David Mann. What an excellent read. They are Global bestsellers and I quote from the cover

“Most people just laugh when they hear the secret to success is giving…Then again, most people are nowhere near as successful as they wish they were.”

Brian Tracy, author of The Psychology of Achievement,  writes, “These five principles will help you achieve your goals and fulfil your dreams!”

and Seth Godin, author of The Dip says “Most people don’t have the guts to buy this book, never mind the will to follow through and actually use it. But you did. And, I’m certai that you’ll be glad you did.”

I am certainly I did and I am now lending them to the members of my Wightbuzz network. I know they will make a BIG difference.



If you can’t say something nice, then don’t say anything at all.

If you can’t say something nice, then don’t say anything at all.

My daddy was a very wise and wonderful man and this week it would have been his 91st birthday. As I plan to start my book in his memory on 19th January, I am recalling so many fond memories. This was a saying he used. It has been such a great one to follow. If only everyone would follow this the world would be a better place. I am sure he would have been proud of me in an incident on the ferry last year. I was returning to my beautiful Isle of Wight and the ferry was nearing Cowes so I returned to my vehicle. I put my bag in the back but was very careful to make sure I put my knee out to prevent the door swinging out, mindful that there was another car behind. The owner of the said car had clearly had a bad day and thought I woud be a great victim to vent her anger! She approached me and shouted!! She accused me of being about to smash her headlight. Quick as a flash I piped up “I’m sorry you have had a bad day. I have had a brilliant one. I hope yours gets better!! and with that I hopped back into the cab preparing to disembark and complete my journey home.:)

Why on earth she wanted to raise her blood pressure over an incident that hadn’t happened, I will never know!!!

Do you have any favourite sayings that remind you of a loved one?


Do you have an achilles heel?

I hate paperwork – It is my achilles heel or should I say it was!! That is until I discovered Liz McIntyre.


I am so glad that I followed my own top tip for networking. If I hadn’t given Liz McIntyre that business card that day many months ago, she would not now be taking on my paperwork! She would not now be helping me move my network group, Wightbuzz to a new level. Paperwork – sorted!!



I just love chocolate and now I am lucky enough to stock it in my eco-friendly online supermarket. Wikaniko is part of my portfolio of businesses and supplies over 900 products that are eco- friendly. Healthy, raw chocolate. Would you like a supermarket of your own where you too can sell chocolate? Wikaniko is a home based business that suits so any different people. I have a growing team and would love to help more people grow their own businesses.


If you want to know more or buy some lovely chocolate , then click http://lynblackledge.wikaniko.com/fru/pg/39835/pid/8a5581ce-e2c1-4cf5-a771-a879c50a6048/default.aspx and why not pop over to my facebook page  and “like” the page. The chocolate is scrummy. I can vouch for that.


It’s how you react that matters!

When I was younger, I used to be fiery but I have mellowed over the years. Why on earth increase my blood pressure unecessarily over other people’s misdemeanours?

I have been running my own businesses since I was 27. I have worked extremely hard over the years – firstly running a very successful nursery school (for 21 years!) then running successful book businesses. Sadly, during that time I have encountered many who have tried to bring me down. At times, life has been extremely challenging but I learnt to pick myself up, dust myself down and start all over again and again and again. Also during that time I have helped many others to do the same, benefiting from my life’s experiences. Why on earth are people so unkind?

(taken from http://topcreativeproducts.com/we-cant-choose-what-happens/)

I find now that by keeping my cool and remaining very calm is the best way to deal with things. Last year, whilst on a ferry home to the Isle of Wight, I opened the back of my van to put my bag in. I was very careful to make sure the door was no where near the car behind. Along came Mrs Grumpy from the car behind – shouting at me and telling me I was about to smash her headlight. I pointed out that I using my knee as a door stop. I went on to as follows!

“I’m so sorry you have had a bad day. I have had a lovely day. I hope your day gets better. ” It rather took the wind out of her sails. :) I soooooooo wish I had a jar of the chocolate smiles. I would have given her one as she clearly didn’t have one of her own.

Keeping my cool has proved so successful in many different challenges. Whilst those who are challenging me push their stress levels up, keeping my cool keeps mine down.

I know the challenges will never go away but how I handle them makes such a difference.

How do you handle difficult situations and do you have any examples?

Do as you would be done by

Do as you would be done by! This is one of my favourite quotes and one I live by. There is too much doom and gloom in the world and many people taking out their frustrations on others. I have been a victim of this behaviour but it has never made me turn away from the lessons my daddy taught me. I always try to treat everyone in the way I would like to be treated. It costs nothing and can pay big dividends!

What favourite sayings do you have?

If I had one wish





Smiling is infectious, you catch it like the flu
When someone smiled at me today I started smiling too
I walked around the corner and someone saw me grin
When he smiled I realised I had passed it on to him
I thought about that smile and then realised its worth
A single smile like mine could travel round the earth
So if you feel a smile begin don’t leave it undetected
Lets start an epidemic and get the world infected.  (Author unknown)


So which three people would you make smile and why?