How to stand out in your business

Are you ready to stand out in your business this year? Want the strategies to do so? Check
out this new book by Karen Williams from Self Discovery Coaching which launches on Amazon
today. Order the book on Amazon before midnight tonight, and get 4 great bonuses.


I bought this book at Karen’s Star Biz conference in November. I met Karen in 2011 at the launch of her first book and have been very impressed. She has had a great influence on me and I am certainly going to stand out in my business this year. I am starting my own book on Saturday (on what would have been my Dad’s 91st birthday – and the book will be dedicated to him) and I am just planning a conference in the Autumn. Life has been a very difficult journey but with people like Karen influencing me, I have arrived at an awesome time in my life and now is my time to shine and to help many others shine with me.

How do you plan to stand out in your business?

One of my recommended reads.

I was recently given an Amazon voucher and decided to get a couple of books to help my business. After much deliberation, I chose The Go-Giver and the Go Giver Sells More by Bob Burg and John David Mann. What an excellent read. They are Global bestsellers and I quote from the cover

“Most people just laugh when they hear the secret to success is giving…Then again, most people are nowhere near as successful as they wish they were.”

Brian Tracy, author of The Psychology of Achievement,  writes, “These five principles will help you achieve your goals and fulfil your dreams!”

and Seth Godin, author of The Dip says “Most people don’t have the guts to buy this book, never mind the will to follow through and actually use it. But you did. And, I’m certai that you’ll be glad you did.”

I am certainly I did and I am now lending them to the members of my Wightbuzz network. I know they will make a BIG difference.



It’s how you react that matters!

When I was younger, I used to be fiery but I have mellowed over the years. Why on earth increase my blood pressure unecessarily over other people’s misdemeanours?

I have been running my own businesses since I was 27. I have worked extremely hard over the years – firstly running a very successful nursery school (for 21 years!) then running successful book businesses. Sadly, during that time I have encountered many who have tried to bring me down. At times, life has been extremely challenging but I learnt to pick myself up, dust myself down and start all over again and again and again. Also during that time I have helped many others to do the same, benefiting from my life’s experiences. Why on earth are people so unkind?

(taken from

I find now that by keeping my cool and remaining very calm is the best way to deal with things. Last year, whilst on a ferry home to the Isle of Wight, I opened the back of my van to put my bag in. I was very careful to make sure the door was no where near the car behind. Along came Mrs Grumpy from the car behind – shouting at me and telling me I was about to smash her headlight. I pointed out that I using my knee as a door stop. I went on to as follows!

“I’m so sorry you have had a bad day. I have had a lovely day. I hope your day gets better. ” It rather took the wind out of her sails. :) I soooooooo wish I had a jar of the chocolate smiles. I would have given her one as she clearly didn’t have one of her own.

Keeping my cool has proved so successful in many different challenges. Whilst those who are challenging me push their stress levels up, keeping my cool keeps mine down.

I know the challenges will never go away but how I handle them makes such a difference.

How do you handle difficult situations and do you have any examples?

Who you hang around with matters.

Botty Rule No 2 – Who you hang around with matters.

I recently shed a lot of the negative people from my life and what a difference it made. Life had been tough and I had people who were sucking my energy or being very negative. When I started to apply rule number 2  (from Nigel Botterill’s entrepreneurs circle) and removed myself from the company of these negative people there was a very noticeable change. I then made sure I followed successful people and people who were very positive

I also post lots of positive quotes and have developed an attitude of gratitude and now I find the law of attraction is really working for me.