So do you use Periscope? I discovered periscope and live streaming soon after periscope was launced and was introduced by my son, Tristan, who is also my business partner in I love the new platform and can see the benefits of using this for business.
In September, Tristan, who lives in Sydney, joined me on an exhibition stand at the Isle of Wight Chamber of Commerce business expo . Whilst there, he connected again with one of his college tutors (having trained as a chef at the Isle of Wight college years earlier) At the time, he suggested that the College should embrace live streaming.
Today, I had been in Newport for the Bus Users meeting and was just leaving when I got a notification on my phone showing me the College had gone live on periscope . Now being the proud owner of an “all you can eat data” plan – I was able to jump straight on the broadcast . I was delighted to connect with the same tutor who was actually cooking – long story short – there was a college open day and free lunch was being given . Now who says there is no such thing as a free lunch? I saw it as a golden opportunity to go and periscope the event which you can see here below
I was delighted to meet Aaron – the social media manager for the college and had quite a long chat with him and he was delighted when I shared with him that he could save the periscopes via . I now looking forward to catching all their scopes either live or on replay. If I can embrace periscope at the ripe old age of 65 then I am sure anyone can. I’m now teaching our Allthingsnetworking members as I see it as such an awesome platform that increases engagement and grows an audience very quickly. I’m loving the new platforms and apparently I’m crushing it – so I have been told.