Some of you will know I wear many hats. Today, it is World Book day
and I will be wearing my Giggly Granny hat – well actually more like a tiara. My wonderful friend Julie Jordan and I are known as the Giggly Grannies. We put the FUN into FUNDraising and get up to all sorts of mischief in the community. At Christmas, Rhiannon, the manager of Costa Coffee in Ryde, asked if we would do some story telling in the store to children.
We both have a background in child care so for us this was not a problem. So today – we are working on a pirates and princess theme and will be entertaining the troops after school. I’ll let you know how we get on. Now shiver me timbers it’s time for me to get going or I’ll be late.
Why not follow us on twitter too @gigglygrannies and see how the Giggly Grannies do World Book day.