Bank holiday – time to knit & chill

Bank holiday and its time to knit and chill

I don’t know about you but as it is a Bank Holiday here in the UK, I am going to knit and chill. I find knitting very therapeutic. I totally relax when I have those knitting needles click-clacking away in my hands. I am not big into knitting cardigans and big garments. I just love creating smaller fun things.

Little pink bras - raising awareness for cancer charity fundraising

Little pink bras – raising awareness for cancer charity fundraising

One of my commissions was for some little pink bras to be hung as bunting in a shop window that was fundraising for a breast cancer awareness charity. It certainly raised a smile as well as lots of much-needed funds.

Mr & Mrs Noah

The rainbow and Mr & Mrs Noah are part of the Noahs ark – a present I have chosen to knit for my youngest grandaughter. As an ex-primary school teacher, I absolutely love using primary colours. I am using Sarah Keen’s books Knitted Noahs Ark 


Sandown yarnbombing

Recently, The #Golivegranny community took part in the Sandown Yarn bombing to brighten up the town. Sandown was entered in Britain in Bloom and Jackie, who set up the Sandown Yarnbombers appealed for knitters to partake. I shared the news into my 10 pm broadcasts and flowers started arriving by the box full. It was a bit like Interflora on steroids. My community never disappoint. My job was to create beautiful display boards as well as making some flowers myself. My community never pass up the opportunity to knit.

I knitted Mary Mary Quite Contrary and her silver bells and cockle shells and was able to add a few beautiful flowers from #golivegranny community member Carol Potts.


Another project my viewers have embraced was something my daughter asked for help with. She has recently started working in a school serving some very deprived children – children who don’t own any books and there are no books in their homes. She asked me if I would make some finger puppets to aid their learning. Again I shared it with the community in my broadcasts and the result is many story sacks containing props to help illustrate the stories and rhymes. The spaceship is for the song :_

5 little men in a flying saucer
Flew round the world one day
They look left and right
But they didn’t like the sight
So one man flew away

4 little men in a flying saucer etc

It was one of the bigger slightly bigger things I chose to knit


They have also supplied aliensaliens


taken from the Mini Knitted Cosmos



We are very lucky as many people gift us wool and needles for our projects – most of which go on to various charities.

My viewers love to learn about all things knitting and so I decided to become an affiliate for some of the knitting businesses.

Deramores is a popular site and offers a range of yarns as well as patterns and needles and hooks and accessories You can also get 15% off your first order


The Knitting Network is another site popular with knitters.


It is always worth checking out to stay up to date with current trends and offers. There are some great value packs worth investigating.


It has been a very long time since I updated this blog but as it is Bank holiday I am now off to knit and chill.

Lyn Knitting in Toby and Cheryls garden


This post contains some affiliate links. This means I will receive a small commission but the purchaser will not pay any more for their goodies. The purpose of the commission is to purchase more items to entertain the #golivegranny community via the broadcasts be it in the #golivegranny community garden or from the #golivegranny studio. My mission is to inspire, educate and entertain. Have a great day and if you have enjoyed this then please share. #sharingiscaring







Times Table learning Cube

I am a Primary Stars Advisor (one of my many roles) and when Polly of the Family Directory, asked if I would donate 5 times table learning cubes as prizes to be reviewed, I was more than happy to donate them.

Times table learning cubes and all the other learning cubes are such a fun way to learn.

If you would like more information about the cubes or the the other educational products I promote, then please sign up to my newsletter – 

You can also view the products on the Primary stars website. 


4 home based businesses – who said it couldn’t be done?

Once upon a time – a business was for life – not so anymore!. Having worked hard in my 30 year teaching career – during which I ran my own nursery for 21 years – I turned to becoming a book lady – selling children’s books via stalls at local events and book parties. When the book company moved the goal posts after I had built my business for 7 years, I decided to leave and then at the age of 58 I had to look for new ways of earning an income. I found other home based businesses and set up several. I decided to spread my eggs into several baskets. There was criticism but at the end of the day – it’s my life and I have to do what’s right for me. What is right for me is not necessarily right for others.

Read more

No more procrastination – just do it

For a long time now, I have been saying I was going to write my book but never actually getting down to it. Well, I decided the procrastination had to stop. I had to commit and I had to become accountable. The book is going to be about my journey and it will be dedicated to my late dad. As today, 19th January would have been his 92nd birthday, what better date than that to start.

I set a time mid afternoon to start as I had other things to finish first. Even that didn’t go according to plan and I was running late! Suddenly I found my self saying I’m late, I’m late for a very important date! (From Alice in Wonderland) Suddenly lots of fond memories starting flooding through about my dad. Alice was amongst his favourites. He was even a member of The Lewis Carroll Society. I did manage to settle down and get started eventually. I made copious notes and started to recall many of the incidents and adventures that had shaped my journey. I felt an amazing feeling – as though my late dad were present . So I am on task at last. The work has begun and I look forward to the days ahead as I complete the story of my journey so far. I know I am going to enjoy the experience although writing a book was never an original plan. My life has been a real roller coaster and one I never thought others would be interested to share but in recent years I have mixed with so many who say I have a story to tell . So they have persuaded me to put pen to paper. To stop the procrastination and complete the task. Watch this space…………………

What have you been procrastinating about?




How to stand out in your business

Are you ready to stand out in your business this year? Want the strategies to do so? Check
out this new book by Karen Williams from Self Discovery Coaching which launches on Amazon
today. Order the book on Amazon before midnight tonight, and get 4 great bonuses.


I bought this book at Karen’s Star Biz conference in November. I met Karen in 2011 at the launch of her first book and have been very impressed. She has had a great influence on me and I am certainly going to stand out in my business this year. I am starting my own book on Saturday (on what would have been my Dad’s 91st birthday – and the book will be dedicated to him) and I am just planning a conference in the Autumn. Life has been a very difficult journey but with people like Karen influencing me, I have arrived at an awesome time in my life and now is my time to shine and to help many others shine with me.

How do you plan to stand out in your business?

One of my recommended reads.

I was recently given an Amazon voucher and decided to get a couple of books to help my business. After much deliberation, I chose The Go-Giver and the Go Giver Sells More by Bob Burg and John David Mann. What an excellent read. They are Global bestsellers and I quote from the cover

“Most people just laugh when they hear the secret to success is giving…Then again, most people are nowhere near as successful as they wish they were.”

Brian Tracy, author of The Psychology of Achievement,  writes, “These five principles will help you achieve your goals and fulfil your dreams!”

and Seth Godin, author of The Dip says “Most people don’t have the guts to buy this book, never mind the will to follow through and actually use it. But you did. And, I’m certai that you’ll be glad you did.”

I am certainly I did and I am now lending them to the members of my Wightbuzz network. I know they will make a BIG difference.



How I was inspired by a book and an entrepreneur!

Day 2 of the 30 day blog challenge.

I have entered a 30 day blog challenge (posting a blog post everyday for a month) as well as a 30 day video challenge (again posting video clips every day and being accountable.) What a great opportunity to get the business moving in 2013. I have been inspired by many entrepreneurs and also by many books and so what better than combining both in a video,  as the video challenge was to talk about a book that had inspired. Not only did the book inspire me, Allison Marlowe, of AllisonMarlowe.Com  and of Winning Women has also been a source of inspiration to me. When she set the challenge to win a copy of Peaks and Valleys by Best selling author Spencer Johnson


So folks, what books have inspired you?


The Beauty of Being a Stay at Home Mum/Gran

How I love to be a stay at home mum/gran! It gives me so much flexibility. I work when I want to and play when I want to. Recently I did much playing! It was half term and my daughter brought the children to see me and I returned with them to London midweek, returning on the coach at the end of my stay.  I am able to get the work/life balance. We had fun on the beach,we did lots of cutting and sticking, and we took the dollies for a walk. I run a portfolio of businesses under the name Lyn’s Biz . I work with others and train them to enjoy the same flexible life. What better way than fitting work round your children without the need for costly childcare? I recommend it and am happy to help others achieve it. I can also offer choices of different businesses be it within the educational or eco -friendly or gift/card businesses. I love what I do and can help you to do the same. Just ask me how.

Wightbuzz- affordable networking for the Isle of Wight and beyond.

I never really set out to run a network group. Often things that I do are never part of an original plan but when an opportunity presents itself, I grab it with both hands.  I used to belong to a network group on the Isle of Wight when I was running a previous children’s book business. As far as I am concerned, and many will agree with me, networking is key! Word of mouth is the best way of getting business. In this network group, I was the top referrer for months. Recommending other business people to each other is one of my strengths. I always have seen how easy it is to connect people and have always done so whether or not it has been of financial benefit to me. It is just what I do and the way I operate. Unfortunately, when the company I represented moved the goal posts and I gave up that book business, I had to leave the network group. After all, I had no business so there was little point. A short while later, when I had set up my eco-friendly business, I applied to rejoin thinking it was merely a formality. Never assume anything!! My application was turned down and when I asked why, the powers that be would not give me a reason! I have since found out why! I  (The beauty of having many friends on the Island!) I was regarded as unsuccessful. Hmmmmm depends how you measure success doesn’t it? Clearly in their world it meant the value of your bank balance. In my world it is very different!!! In my world it is how you relate to others and help them that is important. As the winner of two national awards and a finalist in a third, I don’t regard myself as unsuccessful. I mentor, help and inspire others to improve their lives as I indeed was helped and inspired by others.I run several home based business now and through my Primary Stars business , Phoenix Cards, Wikaniko (eco friendly products), Barefoot Books businesses I have ample opportunities to recruit and train those who want to run their own businesses. If these are not to their liking, I have many contacts in the direct selling industry so can find opportunities that do fit the bill.  In financial term I have a  way to go to recover from the situation I was forced into (although that is happening faster than I anticipated!) but in terms of happiness – it is immeasurable! No amount of money can replace some my recent  experiences. I must say, it did seem very strange to refuse an application from the top referrer when the group is a referral group but hey ho that is their problem. Wightbuzz wouldn’t exist today if that hadn’t happened. I needed networking and if I was not allowed to join an existing group, the answer was to set up my own. This was not done out of spite but a necessity. This has become very successful. I am playing to my strengths and the group is going from strength to strength. Growth was steady over the first year but it is now set to grow rapidly. The need is becoming huge. With the abolition of the tourist information offices on an Island where tourism is the main industry, networking is the only way forward.  I am now starting to recruit Isle of Wight hoteliers and b & b owners and in turn they are spreading the word. Due to facebook and twitter and other forms of social media, the good works of Wightbuzz spread and thus Bizzness Buzz was born. There is so clearly a need for affordable networking and so BizznessBuzz Kent, Bizzness Buzz Staffordshire are lining up with Hampshire, Dorset, Worchestershire following close behind and other counties will be added soon. Of course anyone joining any of the groups will naturally be linked to the others. I think you will agree this is phenomenal value for just £30 annual membership. I think that being refused entry to the other network group was actually a godsend. Not only has it saved me money but it has helped so many others. Isn’t it funny how things often work out for the best? Not only have I saved financially, I don’t have to get up early to attend a breakfast meeting when I could stay in bed longer and the benefit to others is growing on a daily basis. Am I enjoying life? That would have to be a resounding YES!


And I would like to share those moments of pride with you for being recognised as successsful!

and the finances – well that success is following but it has never been my main goal! Funny though, with personal success comes the financial success. You will read it in my book!!! Hmmm better get that started then and when you read my journey, you will read how ordinary people doing extraordinary things has influenced my life. You will also read about those who tried to crush me, only served to make me successful!! Funny old life isn’t it? And I am a great believer in Karma!! So my advice has to be “treat others as you would wish to be treated!” (or watch out for the consequences!!!)

Party Plan Shining Star Award

  When I was recently shortlisted as a finalist for the Party Plan Shining Star award I was thrilled. I had been a previous winner of awards and I knew what a difference it could make to my business. I had won previous awards with a company I represented for 7 years. When they moved the goal posts and I was totally devastated financially, the glamour of those awards seemed a long way away. Life took a downward turn and I found myself in a long dark tunnel through no fault of my own.   I had to move in with my parents due to my financial situation – not really something I wanted to do at 58! However, the upside was that I got to spend my dad’s last months with him and for that I am very thankful. I had no money but I had a roof over my head, food in my tummy and I was warm and I enjoyed an incredible amount of happy banter with my dad. During this time I started to rebuild my business – deciding that the best plan for me, was to spread my eggs into more than one basket. In fact I chose several party plan business opportunities. I became an ambassador for Barefoot Books, I am now a Primary Stars Advisor and a trader with Phoenix Trading. I also enjoy being a distributor for Wikaniko, marketing a range of eco friendly goods. Back in February 2010, I was criticised for choosing more than one business. I was told it was foolish. In my mind, given my previous circumstance, it would be foolish not to!! I wonder if my critique would have had the same conversation with Richard Branson. I do wonder about the sanity of the man that criticised me – especially as he stood to gain financially from me! He sponsored me into Barefoot books and guess what – I asked the company to move me to a new sponsor which they did! What a silly man! Not only did he tell me I was foolish but he went on to tell me my team members were being critical of me. I was told that they didn’t like my rants on facebook nor my happy banter! One thing I never do is rant on facebook. I do share happy banter and find that I attract people to my business as a result. Most people hate doom and gloom and a bit of fun tends to cheer them up and they constantly tell me so! I am not going to give up anytime soon. As for being an inefficient leader – I don’t think so. I have a long string of testimonials from team members – so if one or two had a problem well then they were right to leave me. I have been rewarded for the hard work I put in. The journey has been very long and very dark! I knew that one day I would emerge. I worked hard, perserverance and persistance were key! I never gave up believing in myself. Well I think I have proved a point now. In 2010 I was awarded the Mumpreneur Saleswoman of the Year

and in 2011 I was runner up in the Hampshire Winning Women Business Awards Networking category. On winning the Mumpreneur award, I used it for the good of the small businesses on the Isle of Wight were I live. Life is tough, very tough and I knew in order to survive, we needed to pull together. In the wake of the award, I set up Wightbuzz, an affordable networking group. It has gone from strength to strength and is expanding to the mainland as Bizzness Buzz. Winning the Party Plan Shining Star Award is thrilling. Although it is only just over a week since I won, I have set to work on another project for the good of the Island in the absence of our tourist board (The council closed them all to save money but maybe not their best idea yet given our main industry is tourism!!) I am working with my son who runs Cubic Mushroom and a new website will be online shortly. To say I am excited about my new project would be an understatement.  Am I proud to have won this Party Plan Shining Star award. I most certainly am. I am grateful to the Party Plan Guru for setting up the conference and awards and I am grateful to all the postive people I followed (shedding many negative ones enroute ) There are those who dared me to dream big along the way, Roberta Jerram  being one. She created the Giant Potential website for ladies who dare to dream big.( It is undergoing a revamp but you can connect at the facebook page  She certainly encouraged me to do that. My dreams are huge. Winning awards can really have a great impact on your business (and on your community). I urge you all  to enter next time.